Herd Health
Our veterinarians are passionate about preventative health care programs and optimizing production. Our veterinarians are well-versed in many areas of herd management through many years of experience and high-quality continuing education, and enjoy working with our clients toward reaching their goals. We strive to consistently deliver high quality herd health programs by offering services in all of the following areas:
Complete Udder Health Program
Vaccination Program Development
Fresh Cow Health Monitoring
Production Analysis
Calf and Heifer Rearing Programs
Quota Management
Emergency Services
Emergency Service is offered to our existing clients, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 519-595-4911 for all emergencies.
Our veterinarians are trained as ProAction Veterinary Advisors, and can assist you with meeting the requirements for the ProAction quality assurance program through Dairy Farmers of Canada. We provide our clients with up-to-date information regarding the ProAction program and offer in-class and on-farm training sessions through DFO when program changes occur.
Our clinic uses DairyComp software to assist our herds with data analysis and herd management. We provide regular reports for herd health visits, analyze and troubleshoot herd level information regarding reproduction, udder health, milk quality, production, animal inventory and health. An additional service we provide is to input data from herd health visits and provide herd health checklists for clients who do not have DairyComp access on-farm.