Product Backorders
This page will be used to provide you with the latest news regarding product backorders as we navigate through this pandemic and resulting supply chain shortages.
Continued Backorders (Feb. 27, 2021)
We are continuing to experience extensive backorders in many of our products, particularly intramammary antibiotics and various vaccines. We are trying to source alternative products where possible, so you may see a slightly different brand of product than what you are used to. You can also discuss alternatives with any of our vets. We are asking our clients to call well in advance of needing something, so we can hopefully provide an expected ETA on products or have time to discuss and source an alternate product for you. Thank you for your understanding while we deal with these issues.
Backorders (Feb. 5, 2021)
We are seeing another interruption of product supply and delivery at this time. Please note, ordering products may not result in next day delivery. Samples being sent out to labs are also taking longer to be delivered. Here are some of the current product backorders of significance:
Inforce-3 – 10 dose and individual doses have been spotty
Bovi-Shield Gold FP5 and the Bovi-Shield Gold FP5 with Lepto – All combinations (5 dose and 10 dose) have extensive and changing backorders. We have been bringing Express 5 in as an alternative product. Talk to your vet or the office to decide what is best for you.
Scourguard 4KC 10 dose – no ETA. We are ordering in Bovilis Guardian as a replacement product. NOTE: Please read the label carefully as this is a similar but slightly different product. It is given under the skin, and the meat withdrawal is 60 days instead of 21 days.
Cefa-Dri and Dry-Clox – are backordered until January - currently Spectramast DC is the only dry cow antibiotic available.
Pirsue – has no ETA. We currently have some in stock, but talk to your vet about treatment decisions for cows with Staph. aureus mastitis.
Vitamaster – unknown ETA. Newcells or Vitamin B12 are available as an alternative.
For more information, please contact us